Saturday, February 27, 2016


Entrepreneurs task their brains and make it sweat out solution to societal problems. And the reward they get is wealth. A skilled man works from pay check to pay check for his own pocket(selfish). He can't be free of that bondage cos his wages are tied to his physical presence (time) and effort (energy).

Entrepreneurs are not so. They simply exchange value (a good or service) for money. Their presence is not always needed.

Effort is expended once in thinking, creating and expanding the volume(users) of the value (goods or services). After that, it is reward all the way.

Mindset shift is the requirement to become an entrepreneur.

If one acquires the right mindset, he can  build a system around his goods or service. In that way, income is no longer depended on his presence or effort.

  Entrepreneurs think only leverage

skilled people will be busy working hard building a system, but the system isn't just their own

Of course, at some point in life one will work for a system, but if anyone desire wealth, they should own a value system.

Or else they will work for the rest of their lives and never have enough to show for it

As a skilled man, if anything happens to you, say death, that will be the end of income to ur family. What about redundancy or even retirement? Income stops, bcos income is dependent on time and effort.

A value is either a product or service that people can't do without because it is solving a problem for them or meeting their need. People would usually go out of their way to get a value.

Meanwhile , skilled men are on the field everyday to ensure that the system of the entrepreneur is working perfectly well.

And interestingly, dey get paid a only a  fraction of their effort.

Parents should start advising their wards rightly: "go to school, get good grades, and create jobs(entrepreneur)"

Be a job giver!

Not the old and havoc causing advice of "go to school, get good grades and get a good job"

There are no good jobs anywhere.

Less than 1% of our population are working in the oil sector.

That's where working conditions are reasonable.

What about 99% ?

That old advice has generated and is still generating a lot of poor people in society, after spending their lives working a job for peanut (and even fat) salaries.
Cos if one didn't have a value-system while youthful and working, is it when he is retired he can have one? No age advantage, no encouragement.
It will be too late.

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